the primary dwelling is serviced by one public or communal service (water or wastewater) and one private service, and the coach house will share the public or communal service with the main dwelling and.the primary dwelling is serviced by a private water and wastewater system and the coach house will share either the water or wastewater system with the main dwelling or.a lot that is of sufficient size to support private services and is located in the rural area or village and where:.a lot in a public service area and only where public or communal services for both water and wastewater services are currently provided to the main dwelling, or.A coach house will only be permitted where the primary dwelling does not contain a garden suite, rooming units or a secondary dwelling unit and the primary dwelling is located on:.A coach house in conjunction with a townhouse dwelling will only be permitted where the lot containing the townhouse can provide direct pedestrian access from the coach house to a public street or a travelled public lane.Where a duplex dwelling is permitted by the Zoning By-law, a secondary dwelling unit will only be permitted in a duplex dwelling that existed as of July 17, 2013.Furthermore, the following criteria and limitations apply:

The Zoning By-law will establish criteria to govern compatibility of these units with the main dwelling and surrounding land uses.

Policies Secondary Dwelling Units and Coach Houses These uses will be permitted within all land-use designations, subject to the policies set out below and in other applicable sections of this Plan. For convenience, these uses have been grouped as generally permitted uses. Certain land uses are considered to be characteristic and supportive of the daily life and functioning of the community.